Presents the concept of detailing of assembly drawings, including modeling of complex shapes and pictorial drawings of details. Through the use of traditional and computer-based drafting techniques, students explore drawing individual parts in their proper orientation. Modeling clay is required.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
- Introduction to sketching.
- Sketching details from a pictorial assembly.
- Drawing from sketches.
- Sketching details from a working drawing.
- Modeling details from sketches.
- Drawing complex shapes from sketches.
- Sketching details from an exploded view assembly.
- Drawing details from sketches.
- Determining tolerances and fits.
- Complex assemblies.
- Sketching details from complex assembly drawings.
- Modeling details from complex assembly drawings.
- Drawing details from sketches.
- Interpreting assembly drawings.
Assessment and Requirements
All students will be required to complete a common TAGD 130 comprehensive final examination that assesses the learning of all course objectives. This exam will consist of two parts, the first part consisting of a drawing project and the second part will be a team assembly drawing assignment. This exam must be weighted in a manner so that this exam score is worth a minimum of fifteen percent of the final course grade.
The student will be required to bring the drafting equipment used in the previous two drafting courses (TAGD 110 and TAGD 120). Modeling clay is also required.
Texts, handouts, and/or workbooks will be determined by the TAE Department.