ACT-101: Fundamentals of Architecture

Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Building Sciences
Architecture/Construction Tech
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
Fundamentals of Architecture
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
77.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
77.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Catalog Course Description

An introduction to the building professions, including architecture, construction, and interior design. Utilizes a wide range of media and technology to explore various topics related to the architecture/construction industry. Covers architectural history, building codes, sketching, geometric construction, floor plans, elevations, building sections, details, residential and commercial blue print reading, estimating, space planning, and sustainability.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Architectural/Construction Overview
    • Explain the key parties involved in a construction project
  2. Architectural History
    • Identify significant figures and buildings in architectural history
  3. Building Codes / Zoning
    • Explain the history and use of building codes in the architecture/construction industry
  4. Building Codes / Zoning
    • Communicate required course material with hand sketching techniques
  5. Geometric Construction
    • Create basic geometric drawings*
  6. Drawing Types / Blue Print Reading
    • Identify various types of drawings that make up a typical set of residential construction documents
  7. Estimating
    • Explain various methods of estimating relating to materials and the design process
  8. Use of Architectural Drafting Techniques
    • Explain the various industry techniques used to communicate architectural elements
  9. Architectural Lettering Techniques
    • Create architectural details with clear and legible handwritten notes
  10. Creating Architectural Details
    • Communicate required course material with hand sketching techniques
  11. Transfer 2 dimensional (2D) information into 3 (3D) dimensional form
    • Develop basic 3D models*

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

All assessment of student achievement is left to the discretion of the individual instructor.

  1. Unit Tests
  2. Construction Projects
  3. Group Assignments
  4. Attendance
  5. Final Exam


Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Other Details

Provide, in writing, a request to the department indicating the proposed rationale for requesting credit and describing (via portfolio) the type of college level learning upon which the request is based.

  1. Completion of the final exam with a minimum score of 75%.
  2. Schedule an interview with the appropriate instructor(s) to discuss the request and exam.

Upon review of the request, portfolio, and documentation, the department will make a determination whether credit will be granted.

Effective Term
Fall 2023