This course is INACTIVE
Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Building Sciences
Architecture/Construction Tech
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
Basic Architectural CAD
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
77.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
77.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Catalog Course Description
An entry-level course presenting computer-aided drafting using AutoCAD and AutoCAD Architecture software (CAD). Emphasizes the efficient use of CAD to draw floor plans, elevations, and other related architectural details. Covers drawing and editing commands, layering, hatching, dimensioning, model and paper space, blocks, and printing. Also covers three-dimensional wall, door, window, and roof creation using AutoCAD Architecture software. ACT 101 is a recommended co-requisite.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
Core Course Topics
- Introduction to CAD menu system
- Creating drawing aids
- Controlling screen display
- Drawing geometric shapes
- Controlling drawing accuracy
- Modifying and editing objects
- Using inquiry commands
- Creating and saving drawing files
- Drawing organization
- Selecting objects
- Placing text on drawings
- Plotting drawings in model and paper space
- Placing patterns and hatching on drawings
- Creating and editing blocks
- Creating dimension styles
- Creating and modifying drawing dimensions
- Creating wall styles
- Creating door and window styles
- Drawing walls, doors, and windows accurately
- Creating basic roof shapes
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
- Describe terminology, concepts, and techniques related to CAD
- Demonstrate file management techniques
- Create a drawing using proper setup techniques
- Manage display commands to magnify and maneuver efficiently within a drawing*
- Explain the advantages of the different CAD coordinate systems
- Manage line geometry accurately using at least two different methods
- Create a drawing from information and sketches in a designated time constraint*
- Demonstrate a variety of methods for selecting geometry for editing
- Execute edit commands to create new shapes from existing shapes
- Edit objects by manipulating their grips
- Obtain information about objects using inquiry commands
- Create and organize a layering scheme for a drawing
- Create and manipulate text styles to create architectural annotation
- Apply hatch patterns at the appropriate scale
- Create, insert, and edit blocks*
- Insert objects using design center
- Create and manipulate viewports in paper space
- Arrange a drawing to plot at a specified scale in model space and paper space*
- Create and edit dimension styles
- Demonstrate a drawing in model space
- Create wall, door, and window styles
- Create basic roof shapes using the roof command
- Manipulate and view 3-dimensional (3D) geometry for editing
General Information
This course is being deactivated as part of the catalog cleanup project in 23/WI. It is not part of any active program and has not been offered in 3 or more years.
Assessment and Requirements
Assessment of Academic Achievement
The following assessment tools will be common to all sections:
- Lab assignments
- Multiple-choice question tests
- Timed performance tests
- Multiple-choice question final exam
- Student attendance
Satisfies Wellness Requirement
Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Other Details
- Provide, in writing, a request to the department indicating the proposed rationale for requesting credit and describing the type of college-level learning upon which the request is based.
- Submit a portfolio of work and documentation to substantiate the request.
- Schedule an interview with the appropriate instructor(s) to discuss the request and portfolio.
Effective Term
Summer 2024