ART-107: Photoshop

Liberal Arts
Fine & Performing Arts
Art (Art History)
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Eligible to take ENG courses at HFC
Catalog Course Description

Provides an introductory-level study of digital imaging with Photoshop. Including print, web, illustration, image enhancement/correction and animation techniques.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Photoshop workspace including panels and tool applications. Creating, printing, and saving new documents appropriate for print, web and interactive uses. Discuss appropriate file sizes for use in both print and digital applications.

    •Demonstrate an ability to work with the drawing, editing and painting tools in Photoshop.
    •Distinguish between and use various color modes including RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale.
    •Demonstrate understanding of file formats supported by Photoshop for use in web, print and interactive applications.
    •Apply correct layer structures including creating Create new layers, duplicate, delete, name, group and rearrange layers.

  2. Selection tools. Creating masks for editing. Working with blend modes to combine images and textures.

    •Produce complex selections using a variety of selection tools in Photoshop, creating both masks and channels.
    •Modify image size in Photoshop without distortion using the Image Size window and transform tools.

  3. Image restoration and correction using Photoshop editing tools.

    •Apply Photoshop editing tools to correct image flaws and color for both restoration and enhancement.

  4. Taking Photoshop to the next level, using layers, blend modes, adjustment layers and the fundamentals of design to develop a composited image.Destructive and non-destructive “Live” adjustments, isolating elements from an image and editing with

    •Distinguish between “Live” and destructive adjustments and apply in Photoshop.
    •Construct a new composition by modifying several photographic images. Composition demonstrates an understanding of the fundamentals of design.
    •Recognize appropriate images and requirements for use. Procure and save images at the correct size, resolution, and color mode for web, print and interactive applications. Includes scanned images, photographs and found references.

  5. Introduce Photoshop animation process including panels and layers.

    •Construct a simple animated sequence

  6. Photoshop for web applications. Navigation, aesthetic composition, wireframes and generating image assets.

    •Design as a capstone project, a website mock-up, incorporating all major course objectives.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

Course work includes, but is not limited to:

• In-class exercises • Class Participation includes discussions and critiques • Workspace quiz, midterm and final • Composition Project • Website Capstone Project


Text to be determined by the department/instructor.


General Education Categories
  • Humanities and Fine Arts
Institutional Outcomes
  • Humanities
MTA Categories
  • Category 5: Humanities and Fine Arts
Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Portfolio Review
Portfolio Review Details

Provide, in writing, a request to the department. Indicate the rationale for requesting credit and describing the type of college-level learning or course descriptions. Portfolio must contain 3-5 pieces of evidence that illustrates competency in all course learning objectives. Department faculty will evaluate submitted portfolios based on the evaluation rubric. Evaluation rubric and student checklist located in Division Office. Interview with appropriate departmental faculty to discuss the request and work samples.

Interview Details

Interview, given in department by department faculty. Faculty will interview applicants based on submitted portfolio and will assess against evaluation rubric. Evaluation rubric and student checklist located in Division Office.

Effective Term
Winter 2022