ART-142: Ceramics II

Liberal Arts
Fine & Performing Arts
Art (Art History)
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
Ceramics II
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
92.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
92.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
ART-141 with a "C" grade or higher, or Instructor Permission
Catalog Course Description

Emphasizes functional pots and the wheel as the primary technique of construction. Introduces the history of functional ceramics as an idea source for functional designs and includes instruction in kiln stacking. This class meets for six (6) hours a week.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Goal Statement

To provide the basic skills in developing forms on the potter’s wheel necessary for students interested in a possible ceramics emphasis at a four your art program, a career in ceramics or for setting up a home studio, and to encourage creative problem solving skills within the arts.

Core Course Topics
  1. Course overview and vocabulary

    Develop and understanding and utilization of the vocabulary used to describe the various ways and means of working on a potter's wheel.

  2. The potter’s wheel

    Demonstrated the ability to center, open and pull up clay on the potter’s wheel.

  3. Tumblers

    Create a group of cylindrical tumblers on the potter’s wheel

  4. Bowls

    Create a group of functional bowls on the potter’s wheel

  5. Trimming

    Transform the shape of thrown pieces by trimming a foot on the bottom edge

  6. Mugs

    Create a group of mugs that have functional and aesthetically pleasing handles

  7. Surface design

    Demonstrate proficiency in using slips and glazes to put aesthetically pleasing as well as functional surfaces on pottery.

  8. Glaze mixing

    Demonstrate the ability to use the balance scale and mix a large batch of glaze.

  9. Kiln loading

    Assist in the stacking of both electric and gas kilns

  10. Ceramic aesthetics

    Analyze and contrast different themes and construction techniques in one’s work and how discuss how these fit into a historical and/or contemporary overview of the media.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement
  • Evaluation of hands-on projects.
  • Critiques and class discussion.
  • Written quizzes.
  • Final exam.

The Complete Potter by Steve Mattison
Thomas, Shafer: Pottery Decoration, NewYork, Watson-Guptill
The Complete Potter - Throwing by Richard Phethean


Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Skilled Demonstration
Portfolio Review
Skilled Demonstration Details

Demonstration of live ability to make all the items covered in class to a high skilled level.

Portfolio Review Details

Extensive portfolio of ceramic work done by the individual that covers the work cited in the Course Master

Other Details

Determined by department.

Effective Term
Winter 2022