BLDI-150: Lighting and Environmental Systems for Interiors

Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Building Sciences
Interior Design
Academic Level
Course Subject
Bldg Sciences-Interior Design
Course Number
Course Title
Lighting and Environmental Systems for Interiors
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Catalog Course Description

Introduces the fundamentals of lighting design and basic understanding of acoustical, electrical, plumbing, and climate control systems and their impact on environmental, energy and economic issues. Emphasizes lighting design process, principles and theories, light sources, lamps, and energy conservation.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Goal Statement

To provide students with knowledge and skills to resolve lighting design problems and gain basic understanding of mechanical systems and their environmental, energy and economic impact on interior design.  Developing a working knowledge of these environmental systems so as to effectively communicate and collaborate with subcontractors throughout the design process.    Students will explore building codes, perform lighting and energy calculations and examine construction practices in residential and commercial installations and integrate lighting as a major component in a commercial design project.      

Core Course Topics
  1. Environmental systems: lighting, electrical, plumbing, acoustical, and HVAC.
  2. Open office acoustical and lighting systems, fire detection, alarms, sprinkler systems, emergency lighting, HVAC, and other mechanical systems.
  3. Construction drawings and lighting plans, plenum requirements as they relate to HVAC and air-supply options, plumbing, electrical fire suppression and other mechanical systems.
  4. Safety building codes: doors, framing, glazing, partitions, corridor and stairway fire-resistance-ratings, fire protection, emergency lighting and life safety codes including exiting and egress requirement.
  5. Sick building syndrome, indoor-air-quality contaminants, water quality, visual and acoustic comfort, thermal comfort and cooling systems.
  6. Electrical and lighting energy usage, plumbing fixtures, water distribution, waste piping and water usage, HVAC, indoor air quality, efficiency and conservation, sustainability and LEED credits.
  7. U.S. Green Building Council LEED rating system, Energy Star label and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
  8. Lighting terminology, definitions, switching types, wiring, locations and codes, conduct measurements, and lighting calculations.
  9. Functional and aesthetic lighting of interior spaces through the use of general, task and accent lights; incandescent, fiber optics and LED lights.
  10. Reflected ceiling plans and standard electrical symbols.
  11. Tear sheets and lighting specifications, fire suppression equipment, and switches.
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  1. Identify and define major building mechanical systems using technical terminology.
  2. Critically analyze the constraints various environmental mechanical systems may place upon design solutions and evaluate the implications of altering existing structures.*
  3. Apply knowledge of functionality, installation, usage, and building codes for lighting and environmental systems in developing reflected ceiling plans for a commercial setting.*
  4. Identify and define applicable building code requirements for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare.
  5. Assess the environmental impact of construction and mechanical systems.*
  6. Identify and define sustainability as it relates to energy efficient mechanical systems, construction and installation techniques and indoor air quality,
  7. Illustrate a basic understanding of the LEED rating system established by the U.S. Green Building Council, U.S. EPA Energy Star label, and other green certification agencies.
  8. Conduct lighting measurements and calculations.*
  9. Design innovative psychological and physiological lighting effects.
  10. Demonstrate proficiency in graphic presentation of design solutions.
  11. Synthesize design principles, lighting research and technical information in the resolution of lighting design problems.*

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement
  • Assignments
  • Collaborative Research:
    • Current Trends in Sustainable Mechanical Systems
  • Quizzes and Exams
  • Visits to construction sites  


General Education Categories
  • Humanities and Fine Arts
Institutional Outcomes
  • Humanities
MTA Categories
  • Category 5: Humanities and Fine Arts
Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Other Details

Provide, in writing, a request to the department indicating the proposed rationale for requesting credit and describing the type of college-level learning upon which the request is based.

Submit work and documentation to substantiate the request.

Schedule an interview with the appropriate instructor(s) to discuss the request.

Upon review of the request, and documentation, the department will make a determination whether credit will be granted.


Effective Term
Fall 2023