Introduces the interior design process and development of functional and aesthetically pleasing environments. Emphasizes programming, ideation, analysis, concept development, space planning, design development, documentation, and graphic communication culminating in the presentation of a residential project.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
Provide students with the knowledge and technical skills to design functional, creative and aesthetically pleasing environments. Students will design a small-scale residential project including programming documents containing aesthetic concepts and sketches, research, and written concept statements. Students will also develop schematic and construction drawings, perspective drawings and presentation boards. Final design solutions will be orally presented to jurors.
- Existing and to-be-built residential spaces.
- Eight-step interior design process.
- Elements of the Programming Phase of the interior design process. Aesthetic and functional concept development through research, quick sketches, data collection, schematics, ideation and written concept statements.
- Aesthetic and Functional Concept Storyboards.
- Residential technical construction drawing packets including floor plan, kitchen and bath elevations, cabinet and interior sections, and furniture layout.
- Existing space plan structural modifications, Universal Design guidelines and basic residential building codes.
- Quality manufacturers of residential furniture, furnishings, finishes, cabinetry, flooring, plumbing, electrical, and lighting fixtures and appliances.
- Professional sample presentation boards.
- Product specification documents and written design statements.
- Oral presentation techniques.
- Analyze design problems in order to conceptualize, develop and create aesthetically pleasing and functional residential interiors.
- Exhibit fundamental knowledge of the programming phase of the design process through documentation and compilation of research, analysis of data, and conducting ideation techniques in the development of an aesthetic concept for a residential project.
- Produce and present conceptual storyboards conveying aesthetic and functional design concepts.
- Demonstrate proficiency in manual drafting of floor plans, elevations, sections and furniture layouts.
- Define and incorporate Universal Design principles and basic building codes into residential interior environments.
- Research and differentiate the quality of residential furniture and furnishing manufacturers. Evaluate and specify residential furniture, cabinetry, and finishes.
- Construct a scaled model of residential space.
- Illustrate through project completion the ability to create sample boards showing evidence of successful finish, furniture, and lighting selections; display effective 3-dimensional visual representations and graphic technical documentation; exhibit effective oral and written communication skills; and demonstrate basic model building skills.
Assessment and Requirements
- Programming notebook.
- Space planning exercises.
- Comprehensive residential design project.
- Schematic and construction manual drafting packet.
- Two and three-dimensional rendered drawings of interiors.
- Concept storyboards.
- Sample and presentation boards.
- Scaled model.
Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Determined by department