CHN 295 offers advanced study under the direction of a Communications Division faculty member. This course may be taken only after consultation with the instructor to determine the course content (a topic of special interest in the area of Mandarin Chinese language, literature, or culture) and the credit hours appropriate for the chosen project. This class may be repeated once for credit.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
CHN 295 will provide opportunities for language practice in all four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) through communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. The Directed Study will also encourage academic responsibility, as well as critical thinking abilities and an understanding of research methods, the results of which will be presented as an essay, report, or other creative project along with a bibliography.
- The specific course topic is to be determined by the instructor. However, each Directed Study should include:
• A review of Chinese pronunciation, grammar, structure, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation • A specific linguistic, literary, or cultural theme • Conversation in the target language (as much as the student’s ability allows) • Discussion of Chinese culture
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Converse in Chinese with the instructor using standard Chinese pronunciation, grammar, structure, and vocabulary.
- Read and analyze selections from literary works or contemporary media related to the designated theme.
- Listen, interpret, and respond in Chinese.
- Use Chinese vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and punctuation accurately.
- Compare and contrast Chinese language/literature/culture with American language/literature/culture.*
- Analyze Chinese language/literature/culture through written and oral discourse on issues related to the designated theme.*
*Critical thinking objective
Note that a grade of C- is not transferrable and is not accepted by some programs at HFC
Assessment and Requirements
Assessment methods will be determined by each instructor, but the following assessments are recommended:
- Weekly consultations with the instructor
- Periodic written summary of work performed
- Final creative product and bibliography
- The student and instructor will choose a mutual area of interest, for example one aspect of language, literature, culture, etc.
- The instructor will then assist the student in identifying resources for investigation (books, web sites, journal articles, places to visit, people to interview, etc.), at least some of which will be in the target language.
- The student will conduct research on his/her own.
- The student and instructor will meet the equivalent of one hour each week per credit hour to discuss the research, plan a course of action, review the progress, and converse in the target language.
- The student will present a paper, report, or project along with a bibliography by the end of the semester.
CHN 295 will use any resources approved by the instructor, whether they be written, oral or experiential.
- Humanities and Fine Arts
- Category 5: Humanities and Fine Arts