Introduces digital concepts including binary, hexadecimal, and BCD number systems; transistor transistor logic (TTL) and Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit logic gate technology, Boolean algebra, logic tables, combinational logic, monostable and bistable multivibrators, storage registers and asynchronous counters. Included are Source and Sink output discussions to prepare students for the programmable logic controller (PLC) classes. Extensive discussion about number systems and registers to prepare students for the programmable logic controller (PLC) classes. The use of digital electronic simulation software. Extensive laboratory activities.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
- Digital concepts.
- Introduction to computer simulation software.
- Binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and BCD conversions.
- Computer simulation.
- Logic probe circuit.
- Construct logic probe.
- Logic gate circuits.
- Logic gate circuits from schematic symbols.
- Boolean algebra introduction.
- Logic gate circuits from Boolean expressions.
- Logic gate circuits and Boolean reduction.
- Combinational logic.
- NAND/NOR conversions.
- Logic gate circuits converting Boolean expressions to all NANDS/NORS.
- NAND/NOR conversions.
- Logic gate circuits converting Boolean expressions to all NANDS/NORS.
- 555 timer circuit.
- Flip-flops and related devices.
- Asynchronous counters.
- Mod 10 and mod 16 asynchronous up-counter.
- Digital concepts.
- Source or Sink Outputs.
- Number systems and registers.
- Explain the differences between digital and analog systems.
- Describe the parameters of a pulse waveform.
- Explain the logic operations of AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and NOT gating circuits.
- Convert between Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, and BCD number systems.
- Apply rules and theorems of Boolean algebra to simplify a Boolean expression.
- Utilize NAND or NOR gates to implement any combinational logic function.
- Apply troubleshooting techniques to faulty logic circuits.
- Utilize a digital electronic simulation software program.
- Analyze source or sink components in a circuit.
- Evaluate PLC number systems.
Assessment and Requirements
- Unit and chapter tests given throughout the semester. Tests represent 50 percent of the course grade.
- Informal and formal laboratory activities and performance exercises in which students demonstrate an understanding of assigned circuits. Formal laboratory activities are submitted as a written report and represent 25 percent of the course grade.
- Final exam in which common questions are asked covering the units and topics presented throughout the semester. The final exam is worth 25 percent of the course grade.
Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
The credit for prior learning exam includes a written portion and a lab portion.