ELEC-195: AC/DC Circuit Analysis

Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Adv Manufacturing/Fabrication
Electrical Engineering Technol
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
AC/DC Circuit Analysis
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
62.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
62.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
ELEC-103 or Instructor permission.
Catalog Course Description

Focuses on D.C. single- and multi-source circuitry with the application of loop, node, and Thevenin’s theorem. Also covers A.C. reactive circuits using both phasors and complex numbers for determining reactance, impedance, and power factor. Laboratory activities.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. D.C. circuit conditions – single-power supply application.
  2. Single-power supply application – series, parallel, and combination networks.
  3. Basic elements of phasors.
  4. Apparent power, power factor, and real power.
  5. Complex numbers – real and imaginary (j-operator).
  6. Rectangular to polar – polar to rectangular conversions.
  7. Inductive reactance – circuit conditions; voltage and current phase shift.
  8. A.C. circuits – inductance.
  9. Vector analysis – series R-L circuit conditions.
  10. Solving Series R-L circuits by complex numbers – rectangular and polar forms.
  11. Frequency response of the R-L circuit configuration.
  12. Solving parallel circuits by complex numbers – rectangular and polar forms.
  13. Capacitive reactance – circuit conditions; voltage and current phase shift.
  14. Series R-C circuits.
  15. Vector analysis – series R-C circuit conditions.
  16. Frequency response of the R-C circuit configuration.
  17. Vector analysis – parallel R-C circuit conditions.
  18. Frequency response of the R-L circuit configurations.
  19. Series and parallel impedance in A.C. circuits.
  20. Series RLC circuits.
  21. Parallel RLC circuits.
  22. Series resonant circuit conditions.
  23. Parallel resonant circuit conditions.
  24. Power factor correction.
  25. Thevenin’s theorem.
  26. Superposition method of analysis.
  27. Loop-mesh circuit analysis.
  28. Nodal circuit analysis.
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  1. Solve D.C. single source series, parallel and combination circuitry.
  2. Solve A.C. single source series, and parallel circuitry involving resistive, inductive, and capacitive components.
  3. Analyze A.C. reactive circuit conditions, to calculate for impedance values, and to determine phase relationships using phasors (vectors).
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of complex numbers (j-operator) as it would apply to A.C. reactive circuit analysis.
  5. Solve A.C. reactive circuit conditions using both polar and rectangular forms of analysis.
  6. Determine the real, reactive, and apparent power values for A.C. circuit conditions.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of the resulting effects of the power factor and when necessary correct the power factor condition for optimum circuit efficiency.
  8. Solve D.C. multi-source circuits using Thevenin’s theorem and to simplify the circuitry to the Thevenin’s equivalent network.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement
  • Unit and chapter tests given throughout the semester. Tests represent 50 percent of the course grade.
  • Informal and Formal laboratory activities and performance exercises in which students demonstrate an understanding of assigned circuits. Formal laboratory activities are submitted as a written report and represents 25 percent of the course grade.
  • Final exam in which common questions are asked covering the units and topics presented throughout the semester. The final exam is worth 25 percent of the course grade.


Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Minimum Departmental Exam Score
80% written exam 95% lab exam
Departmental Exam Details

The credit for prior learning exam includes a written portion and a lab portion.

Effective Term
Winter 2024