EMS-107: Basic Procedures Lab

Health and Human Services
Health Careers
Academic Level
Course Subject
Emergency Medical Services
Course Number
Course Title
Basic Procedures Lab
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
ENG-131 eligible
EMS-100, EMS-109
Catalog Course Description

This laboratory course helps develop overall patient management skills required for Basic EMT. Covers equipment, assessment, evaluation, treatment, documentation, communication, and more. Course meets the practical recommendations of the United States Department of Transportation, National Traffic Safety Administration, National Emergency Medical Services Core Content, Scope of Practice Model, National Education Standards, and the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions Curriculum Supplement. Provides preparation for the National Registry standard practical examination.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Airway Management, Respirations, and Artificial Ventilation.
  2. Assessment.
  3. EMS Operations.
  4. Medicine.
  5. Clinical Behavior/Judgements.
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  1. Perform proper basic life support skills including the use of the automated external defibrillator.
  2. Perform proper medical patient assessment/management.
  3. Perform proper trauma patient assessment/management.
  4. Demonstrate proper body mechanics when lifting and moving patients.
  5. Demonstrate safe clinical decisions.
  6. Construct a well-written run report based on the completed patient scenario.
  7. Develop team leadership skills through scenario performance.
  8. Develop a clear and concise style of verbal, radio communication.
  9. Demonstrate a proper Initial Patient Survey/Assessment.
  10. Demonstrate a proper Secondary Patient Survey/Assessment.
  11. Perform a Vitals Assessment.
  12. Compare & contrast the various airway adjuncts and demonstrate their proper usage.
  13. Given various patients with respiratory disorders/emergencies, provide the appropriate management.
  14. Given various patients with cardiac disorders/emergencies, provide the appropriate management.
  15. Given various patients with neurological disorders/emergencies, provide the appropriate management.
  16. Demonstrate the appropriate care for soft-tissue injuries including burns.
  17. Demonstrate the proper application of the following devices: bag-valve-mask, all basic upper airway adjuncts, manual suction units, an oxygen tank/regulator, spinal immobilization boards for the supine-seated-trauma patients, sling/swaths, and traction splints.
  18. Recognize & respond appropriately to Haz/Mat scenes.

Note: Course is required to meet objectives as outlined in National EMS Educational Standards which is made available to all students.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

The entire Paramedic Program is a performance-based curriculum. All students completing each level of course-work will be required to pass both the applicable “performance” applications as well as a comprehensive topic exam. There is a scheduled final practical exam with discretionary quizzes throughout the course.

General Course Requirements and Recommendations

All course participants must be able to physically complete  tasks associated with  the performance-based assessments.  All areas of final assessment, whether written and/or practical, must meet minimal competencies of 80% or better following testing criterion.

Instructors (or their designees) reserve the right to require students to provide picture  identification for test taking, graded papers or projects or other appropriate purposes.


Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Other Details

Credit for EMS 100, EMS 107, and EMS 109 (Corequisites) can be granted upon the presentation of a CURRENT EMT-Basic license from the State of Michigan and a National Registry of EMT-B certification.

Effective Term
Fall 2020