Examines the theory and practice of coding techniques and coding systems used to capture billing data for care given to patients in settings other than acute care. Settings include but may not be limited to ambulatory surgery, emergency care, outpatient care, long term care, observation, and care rendered by health care practitioners especially physicians.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
- Introduction to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)/Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Coding
- Surgical Procedure Coding
- Radiology Coding
- Laboratory and Pathology Coding
- Anesthesia and Medicine Coding
- Evaluation and Management Coding
- Coding Applicable to Observation Care
- Coding Applicable to Long Term Care
- Coding Applicable to Emergency Care
- International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Edition, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Codes
- Explain the format and coding conventions of CPT/HCPCS coding.
- Apply CPT/HCPCS codes to information from medical record simulations.
- Apply the ICD-10-CM coding system to all diagnostic conditions and procedural services being evaluated for financial reimbursement.
- Interpret the documentation found in a medical record and apply the correct code.
- Utilize the Encoder-Pro medical software coding system to arrive at correct codes.
- Assign appropriate Ambulatory Procedure Code (APC) to medical documentation.
- Demonstrate honesty and integrity in the assignment of codes for reimbursement.
- Recognize coding errors contribute to waste and fraud.
- Perform coding using ethical and legal standards of professional behavior.
Assessment and Requirements
Assessment of achievement will be determined using participation, assignments, lab exercises, case studies, examinations and final examination.
Assessment activities will use the following weighted percentages:
Professionalism/Participation; 10%
Case Studies/Assignments; 30%
Examinations; 30%
Final Examination; 30%
- Make-up exam policy: The student will arrange to make up any missed examinations at the convenience of the instructor, to be completed before the next class session.
- Attendance: Student attendance is required for each class. Class will consist of application exercises and discussion along with computer laboratory exercises. These experiences cannot be made up.
- Although students are encouraged to discuss coding homework as a learning exercise, students will not furnish answers to classmates who have not done their homework.
- If a student misses a class meeting, it is his/her responsibility to gather needed materials and information.
- A student who is considering withdrawal from this course they should speak with the instructor first and follow the guidelines established in the HFC catalog.
Required textbooks to be determined through departmental approval.
Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
CPC certification must be current. Department faculty will verify certification.