This course provides the theoretical framework of elementary and middle school health, physical activity, and safety curriculum. Students will gain knowledge and skills for the elementary classroom teacher on methods used to integrate health, nutrition, safety, and physical education into their daily curriculum. The course includes teaching strategies, projects, movement exercises, and games designed to engage the Pre-Elementary Education major. Developmental sequences and the health needs of children from elementary through middle school is included. Course emphasis is on providing learning experiences for children’s development of lifelong positive health and fitness behaviors. Particular attention is given to the national health standards as well as the Michigan Model Modules.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
The goal of this class is to equip the future elementary education teacher with a strong knowledge base of the philosophy, theory and research of elementary physical education and health.
- Foundations of Elementary and Middle School Health Education
Explain the health and physical education foundations behind current health education initiatives.
- Development of Positive Skills for Healthy Dietary and Physical Activity Habits
Analyze the effects of positive and negative dietary and physical activity habits on elementary and middle school student development.
- Management of Health Risk Issues
Discuss current health risks involving the elementary and middle school student.
Create an age-appropriate health risk pamphlet. - Fine and Gross Motor Skill Development
Compare and contrast the different ways fine and gross motor skills are developed through physical activity.
- National and State Health Education Standards
Explain the purpose of the National and State health education standards.
Identify how these standards are met in the elementary and middle school setting. - Physical Activity and Curriculum Integration
Create a cross-curricular lesson plan integrating physical and health concepts.
- Elementary and Middle School Student Developmental Changes
Identify the differences in developmental changes from elementary through middle school.
- Infectious Diseases and Prevention
Identify the infectious disease processes related to the elementary and middle school student.
Create age-appropriate lesson plan(s) addressing infectious diseases and prevention. - Lesson Plans Integrating Movement
Create a cross-curricula lesson plan integrating movement.
- Skill themes and movement concepts in educational gymnastics, dance, games, & cross-curricular fitness activities
Create a portfolio of educational physical activities, dances, games, and cross-curricular fitness activities.
- Pros and Cons of Technology and Elementary Students' Physical Activity
Identify ways to engage students in physical activity at home and school with or without technology.
Assessment and Requirements
Assessment of academic achievement may include but not be limited to lesson plan creation, class discussion, tests, essays, ability to use and create elementary and middle school student health and physical education activities.
This course is a hybrid course: 50% on-ground and 50% on-line.
Telljohann, Symons, Pateman, & Seabert; Health Education Elementary and Middle School Applications, current edition.
Michigan Model for Health Grade level materials