Further builds reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in Italian, focusing on communication in a cultural context. Develops knowledge of vocabulary, pronunciation and grammatical principles in order to comprehend and express everyday ideas in both spoken and written Italian. Presents Italian culture.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
ITAL-132 is designed to enable students to reach the Novice High level on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency scale, focusing on language learning through communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities.
- Present-tense verbs
- Past-tense verbs
- Hypothetical expressions
- Reciprocity
- Perfect verb forms
- Future
- Commands
- Prepositions
- Pronouns
- Comparative and superlative structures
- Narration
- Italian culture
- Demonstrate correct usage of present-tense reflexive verbs
- Recognize, produce, and compare the passato prossimo tense with avere and essere and the imperfetto tense
- Recognize and produce the conditional present and conditional past verb forms, including regulars and irregulars
- Express reciprocity correctly both orally and in writing
- Demonstrate correct usage of the trapassato prossimo tense
- Recognize and produce the futuro semplice verb forms, including regulars and irregulars
- Recognize and produce simple formal and informal commands
- Recognize and use selected prepositions orally and in writing
- Interpret and demonstrate correct usage of direct and indirect object pronouns
- Compare and contrast using appropriate comparative and superlative structures
- Interpret and produce simple narratives in the past using appropriate time markers and present and past verb forms
- Analyze aspects of Italian culture that differ from the U.S. norm, giving specific examples that illustrate such differences
Assessment and Requirements
Assessment of academic achievement will be identified and implemented by the class instructor. Methods will include, but not be limited to:
- Participation
- Weekly/regular quizzes
- Homework assignments
- Chapter/unit tests
- Oral and/or expressive-receptive exam(s)
- Midterm/final exam
All sections of this level will use a textbook (and any accompanying materials) selected by the course coordinator and approved by the World Languages Committee.
- Humanities and Fine Arts
- Category 5: Humanities and Fine Arts