MCA-241: Media Writing

Liberal Arts
Communication & Media
Media Communication Arts
Academic Level
Course Subject
Media Communication Arts
Course Number
Course Title
Media Writing
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Eligible to take ENG courses at HFC As this course utilizes some specialized computer-based software, basic knowledge of computer operations is necessary.
Catalog Course Description

Offers an analysis of and practice with the forms and formats of mass media script writing: commercial, promotional, public service, instructional, and dramatic.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Mechanics of Media Writing
  2. Radio Commercials
  3. Television Commericials
  4. Radio & TV Public Service Announcements and their Campaigns
  5. TV Story Concepts
  6. Dramatic Film Story Concept
  7. TV/Film Treatment/Synopsis
  8. Adaptations
  9. Dramatic Film/TV Script: Treatment and First Act Excerpts
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  • Distinguish between the several major formats of radio, film & TV copy, and script writing.
  • Compose industry-standard radio and television commercials.
  • Justify specific radio and television public service campaigns and announcements.
  • Develop specific radio and television public service campaigns and announcements.
  • Break down the traditional dramatic elements and structure of story for both television and film.
  • Explain the traditional dramatic elements and structure of story for both television and film.
  • Execute professional mechanics and style of a television and/or feature film treatment.
  • Construct an adaptation from a work of written text.
  • Compose and defend components of Act 1 of a film script or TV pilot.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement
  • Graded written radio and TV spot scripts, written IDs, public service announcements, and creative script creation.
  • Graded small group classroom presentation of collaborative commercial campaign layouts.
  • Measurement of verbal participation and description of creative campaigns from real-world analysis and debate.
  • Measurement of verbal participation and description of TV and film examples from real-world analysis and debate.
  • Review of portfolio of critical original work produced.


General Education Categories
  • Humanities and Fine Arts
MTA Categories
  • Category 5: Humanities and Fine Arts
Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Effective Term
Winter 2024