MOA-122: Introduction to Medical Assistant Clinical Procedures

Health and Human Services
Health Careers
Medical Assistant/Billing
Academic Level
Course Subject
Medical Assist/Recept Biller
Course Number
Course Title
Introduction to Medical Assistant Clinical Procedures
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
AH-100 and permission of program director
Catalog Course Description

An introductory level clinical course for students in the medical assistant program. The student will wear program clinical attire, (HFC scrubs, lab coat), and will be introduced to OSHA, CDC, emergency preparedness, along with universal and standard precautions. The student will be able to apply safety knowledge learned in the course while mastering content in the class such as a complete physical exam, specialty exams, patient transfer and vital signs.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. OSHA, universal and standard precautions
    • Identify, recognize, and help reduce the spread of infection and disease.
  2. Measure and record vital signs
    • Measure, evaluate, and document vital signs in a patients medical record.
  3. Complete physical exam
    • Complete portions of a CPE while performing within the scope of practice of a medical assistant.
  4. Specialty exams
    • Working with a provider, the medical assistant will be proficient in the scope of practice of national standards while assisting with specialty exams.
  5. Patient transfer
    • Recognize, analyze, and utilize safe practices for patient transfer.
Detailed Learning Objectives (Optional)

Cognitive Domain

The following cognitive domain objectives are aligned with the Medical Assisting National Standards and Guidelines:

  • I.C.6. Compare structure and function of the human body across the life span
  • III.C.2. Describe the infection cycle including:
    • The infectious agent
    • Reservoir
    • Susceptible host
    • Means of transmission
    • Portals of entry
    • Portals of exit
  • III.C.4. Identify methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
  • III.C.5. Define the principles of standard precautions
  • III.C.6 Define personal protective equipment (PPE) for:
    • All body fluids, secretions, and excretions
    • Blood
    • Non-intact skin
    • Mucous membranes

Psychomotor Domain

The following psychomotor domain objectives are aligned with the Medical Assisting National Standards and Guidelines:

  • I.P.1.Measure and record:
    • Height
    • Weight
    • Length (infant)
    • Head circumference (infant)
    • Pulse oximetry
  • I.P.2.d Perform pulmonary function testing
  • I.P.3. Perform patient screening using established protocols
  • I.P.8. Instruct and prepare a patient for a procedure or a treatment
  • I.P.9 Assist provider with a patient exam
  • II.P.4. Document on a growth chart
  • III.P.1. Participate in blood-borne pathogen training
  • III.P.2. Select appropriate barrier/personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • III.P.10 Demonstrate proper disposal of biohazardous material
    • Sharps
    • Regulated wastes
  • X.P.3. Document patient care accurately in the medical record
  • XI.P.1. Develop a plan for separation of personal and professional ethics

Affective Domain

The following affective domain objectives are aligned with the Medical Assisting National Standards and Guidelines:

  • I.A.1. Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient assessment
  • I.A.2. Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient care
  • I.A.3. Show awareness of a patient's concerns related to the procedure being performed
  • III.A.1. Recognize the implications for failure to comply with Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations healthcare settings
  • V.A. 4. Explain to a patient the rationale for performance of a procedure
  • X.A.1. Demonstrate sensitivity to patient rights
  • X.A.2. Protect the integrity of the medical record
General Information

Students will be required to wear medical assistant program scrubs and a lab coat as defined in the student handbook, and purchase a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement
  • Cognitive assessment will be done through various program rubrics, quizzes, and tests, that align with the national standards and guidelines curriculum for medical assistants. (MAERB)
  • Program rubrics will be used to assess demonstration of competencies for the required psychomotor standards of the program, with critical elements identified. Students will use student centered learning stations set up in the classroom to re-mediate, and to initiate various scenario possibilities to ensure that students have strong clinical and critical thinking/problem solving skill sets.
  • Appropriate assessment methods will be used to analyze cognitive retention, application to environment/scenario, while following all required industry safety standards.

Determined by program director.


Satisfies Wellness Requirement
Effective Term
Fall 2019