Continues to study the role of the professional nurse as the provider of care for adult clients with complex needs and as a member of the profession. Builds on previous knowledge using critical thinking skills in a systematic, problem solving process as a framework for providing safe and effective care to restore and promote health in adult clients. Focuses on nursing care and concepts related to the healthy adult client as well as, the adult client with common, acute, or chronic illness exemplars. Also explores how to demonstrate proficiency in performing increasing complex nursing skills, and how to research best practices and integrate theory into the care of adult clients and their families in a variety of clinical settings. This course includes supervised clinical agency/laboratory practicums. This course includes supervised clinical agency/laboratory practicums. Course is comprised of a combination of theory and a clinical/lab experience per week.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
- Caring
- Clinical Decision Making
- Communication
- Culture
- Diversity
- Evidence Based Practice
- Health
- Illness
- Safety
- Wellness
- Advocacy
- Collaboration
- Ethics
- Family Dynamics
- Fluid and Electrolytes
- Immunity
- Infection
- Intracranial Regulation
- Leadership and Management
- Metabolism
- Mobility
- Oxygenation
- Perfusion
- Professionalism
- Spirituality
- Thermoregulation
- Tissue Integrity
- Violence
- Select evidence based research to improve the client's outcomes.
- Choose effective strategies to communicate, including computer based charting, with clients and other members of the health care team.
- Manage the complex adult client and to promote individualized client outcomes using the nursing process and standards of care.
- Illustrate an understanding of culturally competent care using the professional nursing values of legal, ethical and caring behaviors for the adult client.
- Categorize effective strategies to collaborate with other members of the health care team to provide quality care and maintain client safety, while reducing the risk of harm to the client.
- Demonstrate critical thinking and clinical reasoning to make sound clinical judgments in situations characterized by ambiguity and uncertainty. *
- Demonstrate advocacy for the adult client with complex needs to facilitate the client’s autonomy and full partnership in their care
The first ten topics are core concepts reinforced across the curriculum.
Assessment and Requirements
Assessments of academic achievement may include, but are not limited to skills demonstration, written assignments, research papers, case studies, multiple choice testing and hands-on clinical practice.