POLS-150: Leadership, Organizing and Public Service

Liberal Arts
Social Sciences
Political Science
Academic Level
Course Subject
Political Science
Course Number
Course Title
Leadership, Organizing and Public Service
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Eligible to take ENG courses at HFC.
Catalog Course Description

This course provides the leadership tools and theories to help students create change through hands-on work in community organizations. The course will use a project-based learning to examine the strategic nature of coalition building, networking, and goal/power mapping. This will be done within diverse communities to provide help students advocate with the experience for and effect change within an organization. The course is designed for both those students already engaged in community-based organizations and partnerships as well as students who are interested in working in/and or developing such organizations.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Goal Statement

Provide students with an opportunity to learn about leadership in organizations and the community. Allow students to evaluate leadership styles in unique settings and develop strategic thinking around methods for achieving effective leadership in differing contexts. Provide students with an introduction to tools for critically evaluating strategic actions and planning in organizations and the community.

Core Course Topics
  1. Leadership Survey
    1. Examine different styles and types of leadership.
    2. Examine what is leadership.
    3. Explore different styles of leadership.
    4. Evaluate key components of human leadership.
  2. Leadership and Organizations
    1. Examine Leadership in Organizations and the Community.
    2. Describe the attributes of leadership in organizations and the community.
  3. Power Analysis (By leadership, in organization and community)
    1. Identify power within organizations and communities: Attributes of Power, Identifying Power, and Identifying power variables at play in organization and community.
    2. Evaluate leadership's use of power to effect change.
  4. Power and Relationship
    1. Build Power in Organizations, Networks, and the Community.
    2. Examine Listening and Inclusion in organizational leadership.
    3. Explore Compromise and Consensus building in organizations.
  5. Diversity, Inclusion and Power Dynamics and Change
    1. Examine the Power Dynamics in Organization based on diversity and organization within organization.
    2. Examine how Diversity and Inclusion impact Organizational change.
  6. Building Networks
    1. Evaluate mechanisms to build effective networks between organization community.
    2. Analyze networks to foster power of organization.
    3. Describe organizations and community environment.
  7. Environmental Analysis (Issues, Agendas, Goals, Objectives, Timelines, Partners, Opponents, Strengths, Weakness, Barriers)
    1. Explore established rules.
    2. Analyze changing rules.
    3. Evaluate Alternatives.
  8. Norms and Values of Democratic Society
    1. Evaluate actions based on democratic norms and values including but not limited to: inclusion, diversity, liberty, and community.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

Leadership action plan in an organization and/or community. Final Evaluation of Course


Instructor Determined.


General Education Categories
  • Social Sciences
MTA Categories
  • Category 4: Social Sciences
Satisfies Wellness Requirement
Effective Term
Summer 2023