This lecture/lab course focuses upon the factors that govern and influence the production of quality radiographic images. The course details the main properties of radiographic density/brightness, contrast, recorded detail/spatial resolution and distortion. Exposure calculations will be introduced.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
- Math Review
- Radiographic Image Formation
- Radiographic Image Quality: Photographic Properties
- Scatter Control
- Radiographic Image Quality: Geometric Properties
- Introduction to Digital Imaging
- Digital Image Receptors
- Exposure Factor Selection
- Automatic Exposure Control
- Repeat Radiograph Analysis
- Total Exposure - mAs, kVp Lab Activity
- Grid Use and Scatter Control Lab Activity
- Detail/Distortion Lab Activity
- Automatic Exposure Control Lab Activity
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Discuss elements of a radiographic image. 1. Apply a problem solving process to image analysis. 1. Describe an effective image analysis method. 1. Describe the role of the radiographer in image analysis. 1. Apply the process for evaluating images for adequate density/brightness, contrast, recorded detail/spatial resolution, and acceptable limits of distortion. 1. Explain how the radiographer determines that an adequate level of penetration has been applied to produce an acceptable image. 1. Analyze the images to determine the appropriate use of beam restriction. 1. Differentiate between technical factor problems, procedural factor problems, and equipment malfunctions. 1. Critique images for appropriate technical and procedural factors and employ corrective actions if necessary.
Assessment and Requirements
The final course grade will be calculated using a combination of tests, quizzes, assignments, presentations and participation.
Must obtain a grade of “C” or better to remain in the Radiography program.
Textbook(s) to be determined through program faculty approval.