Health and Human Services
Health Careers
Radiography Technician
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
Principles of Computed Tomography
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
16.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
16.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
RAD-158, RAD-161, RAD-171, RAD-181, and RAD-190
Catalog Course Description
This online course provides entry level radiography students with principles related to computed tomography (CT) imaging.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
Core Course Topics
- Historical Development,
- Scanner Generations
- Conventional and Helical Scanning
- Components of the CT Imaging System
- Display Console
- Application of CT terminology
- Image Reconstruction: Image Matrix, CT numbers, and Artifacts
- Factors Affectng Image Quality
- Data Storage Techniques
- Radiation Protection
- Diagnostic Applications
- Contrast Media
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Describe the components of the CT imaging system.
- Differentiate between conventional and spiral/helical CT scanning.
- Explain the function of collimators on CT.
- List the computer data processing steps.
- Name the functions of the array processor used for image reconstruction.
- Define the term algorithm and explain its impact on image scan factors and reconstruction.
- Define the terms raw data and image data.
- Explain the difference between reconstructing and reformatting an image.
- Describe the application of the following terms to CT: pixel, matrix, voxel, linear attenuation coefficient, CT/Hounsfield number, partial volume averaging, window width (ww) and window level (wl), spatial resolution, contrast resolution, noise, annotation, region of interest (ROI), and standard vs. volumetric data acquisition.
- Name the common controls found on CT operator consoles and describe how and why each is used.
- Analyze CT images for appearance of artifacts.
- Explain how artifacts can be reduced or eliminated.
- List and describe current data storage techniques used in CT.
- Name the radiation protection devices that can be used to reduce patient dose in CT and describe the correct application of both.
- Identify the types and applications of contrast media used in CT.
Assessment and Requirements
Assessment of Academic Achievement
Assessment of academic achievement will include a combination of tests, quizzes, assignments, presentations and participation.
General Course Requirements and Recommendations
Students must receive a grade of “C” or better to remain in the RAD program.
Textbook(s) to be determined through program faculty approval.
Satisfies Wellness Requirement
Satisfies Honors Requirements
Effective Term
Fall 2019