REEN-140: Cogeneration and Backup Power

Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Building Sciences
Energy Technology
Academic Level
Course Subject
Renewable Energy
Course Number
Course Title
Cogeneration and Backup Power
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
32.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
32.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Catalog Course Description

Introduces the topics of cogeneration and backup power for use in a residence or business. Explores the various types of both backup power units and uninterruptible power units available today. Addresses site survey, planning, cost, and the installation and maintenance of the units.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Introduction to cogeneration of power
  2. Size and scale of cogeneration systems
  3. Economics of power cogeneration
  4. Using renewable energy sources for cogeneration
  5. Need for uninterruptible power supplies
  6. Types of UPS systems
  7. Batteries and battery maintenance
  8. Maintenance of UPS systems
  9. National electrical code requirements for UPS and backup systems
  10. Survey and planning for installing a residential backup generator
  11. Installation of a residential backup generator system
  12. Installation of a residential backup generator system
  13. Maintenance of a residential backup generator system
  14. Locations of backup power systems
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  1. Define the term cogeneration of pwer.
  2. Describe both the advantages and disadvantages of power cogeneration to either a home or business settings.*
  3. Examine the economics of cogeneration power.
  4. Describe how cogeneration of power with sources of renewable energy could affect the environment.
  5. Describe applications where uninterruptible power sources are needed.
  6. Survey a residential location for the feasibility of installation of a backup power unit including sizing and location of the unit.*
  7. Describe the steps in installation of a backup power unit.
  8. Demonstrate the typical maintenance of a backup power unit.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

Methods for measuring achievement of objectives:

  1. Tests will be given throughout the semester. Test scores represent 65% of the course grade.
  2. Laboratory activities and performance exercises will be done where students will demonstrate an understanding of practical applications.  These will make up 10% of the course grade.
  3. A written final exam will be given which will represent 25% of the course grade.
Effective Term
Summer 2014