For students seeking to become BPI certified residential energy auditors or to understand the principles of energy auditing. Includes training in the principles of energy transfer, building envelopes, energy auditing, air leakage, insulation, windows and doors, heating systems, cooling systems, indoor air quality, lighting, appliances, and water heating. Students will gain the skills required to perform building inspections and make cost effective recommendations for improving energy efficiency. At the conclusion of this class students will be able to sit for the Building Performance Institute (BPI) theory written test for Building Analyst certification. REEN 161 is the next class for BPI preparation and field certification class. The candidate must pass the REEN 160 class (first twelve weeks of one semester) and BPI written theory test to proceed to REEN 161 (last four weeks of the same semester). Recommend co-requisite of REEN 161.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
- Introduction to residential energy.
- Energy and building shell.
- Air leakage/Insulation.
- Windows and doors.
- Heating and cooling.
- Lighting and appliances.
- Water heating.
- Health and safety.
- Conduct comprehensive inspections of the energy efficiency of homes.*
- Analyze date and prepare written reports recommending cost-effective measures for energy improvements.
- Describe basic knowledge of construction related to residential dwellings, ability to work with basic tools, heating test equipment, and a blower door.*
- Demonstrate an understanding of energy use, conservation, and management.
- Educate homeowners on energy conservation and sustainability practices.*
- Describe knowledge of local and state building codes.
- Analyze lighting data in order to make money saving calculations.
This course will provide individuals with the knowledge necessary to provide homeowners with an overview of energy consumption and options to save money by conserving energy. It is aligned with Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Analyst Professional standards for energy auditing and provides instruction for energy efficiency analysis using the house-as-a-system approach.
Assessment and Requirements
- Tests will be given throughout the semester. Test scores represent 20% of the course grade.
- Class participation will be 20% of the grade. Presentations will be required.
- Final exam will be 25% of the grade.
- Attendance accounts for 10% of the final grade.
- Field Audits account for 25% of the final grade.