SCI-292: Study Abroad in Natural Sciences

This course is INACTIVE
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Biological Science
Science Education
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
Study Abroad in Natural Sciences
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
16.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
16.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Instructor Permission
Catalog Course Description

Students explore natural areas various aspects of the sciences in a foreign country under the direction of a faculty member in the sciences. Prior to departure, students meet with the instructor(s) for cultural discussions and to choose an individual topic of research. While abroad, students study various aspects of the sciences and culture via the instructor and/or educational travel guide. Before arrival at the country or while in the country, students conduct research on their individual topics. Either during the study abroad or on their return, students reflect on their study abroad experience, and present it in the form of a paper, portfolio, or oral project. Specific travel information will be announced at least one semester prior to departure.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Goal Statement

To explore the natural features of another country, understand the process of science in the country, exchange scientific ideas in a multicultural setting, and experience the culture of the country. As a Study Abroad course, this class will promote acquaintance with the natural features as well as the people of the country; this will be an interdisciplinary study abroad with emphasis on the sciences. This course will also provide opportunities for critical thinking and an understanding of research methods, the results of which will be presented as a research paper or other project.

Core Course Topics
  1. Processes of science
    • The specific course topics are to be determined by the instructor. However, students in each Study Abroad have the opportunity to study and learn about the processes of science.
  2. Research methods
    • The specific course topics are to be determined by the instructor. However, students in each Study Abroad have the opportunity to study and learn about research methods.
  3. Flora, fauna, geological features, ecological processes, and/or other scientific and applied science processes
    • The specific course topics are to be determined by the instructor. However, students in each Study Abroad have the opportunity to study and learn about flora, fauna, geological features, ecological processes, and/or other scientific and applied science processes.
  4. Culture and government of the country being visited
    • The specific course topics are to be determined by the instructor. However, students in each Study Abroad have the opportunity to study and learn about the culture and the government of the country being visited.
  5. Destinations of scientific and cultural interest
    • The specific course topics are to be determined by the instructor. However, students in each Study Abroad have the opportunity to study and learn about destinations of scientific and cultural interest.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

Prior to departure, students will complete assigned readings and participate in discussions and plans for the study abroad. Before arrival at the country or while in the country, students conduct research on their individual topics. Either during the study abroad or on their return, students reflect on their study abroad experience, and present their research in the form of a paper, portfolio, or oral project. Assessment methods will be determined by each instructor, but the following assessments are recommended:

  • Consultations with the instructor prior to departure
  • Final project, portfolio, or oral project
General Course Requirements and Recommendations

Prior to departure, students will complete assigned readings and participate in discussions and plans for the study abroad.


Written, oral, or experiential resources approved by the instructor.


General Education Categories
  • Natural Sciences
Satisfies Wellness Requirement
Effective Term
Summer 2024