SPN-131: Elementary Spanish I

Liberal Arts
Language Studies
World Languages
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
Elementary Spanish I
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
62.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
62.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
ENG-094/ENG-095E eligible or instructor permission
Catalog Course Description

Introduces the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish within communicative contexts. Covers the elementary pronunciation and grammatical principles necessary for comprehending and expressing simple ideas in both spoken and written Spanish. Presents Hispanic culture.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Goal Statement
SPN-131 is designed to enable students to reach the Novice Mid level on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency scale, focusing on language learning through communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities.
Core Course Topics
  1. Greetings, introductions, and farewells
  2. Phonetics
  3. Alphabet
  4. Numbers
  5. Present-tense verbs
  6. Future
  7. Gender and number agreement
  8. Affirmation and negation
  9. Interrogatives
  10. Vocabulary
  11. Hispanic culture
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  1. Use appropriate greetings, introductions, and farewells
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of phonetics through the comprehensible pronunciation of Spanish words
  3. Demonstrate verbal and written knowledge of the Spanish alphabet
  4. Recognize and produce numbers, dates, and times
  5. Demonstrate correct usage of present-tense indicative verb forms, including regulars, irregulars, some common reflexives, ser and estar, and gustar
  6. Express the future both orally and in writing using the ir + a + infinitive structure
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of gender and number agreement of nouns, articles, descriptive and unstressed possessive adjectives, and subject and direct object pronouns
  8. Create simple affirmative and negative statements using appropriate word order
  9. Develop and respond to interrogative questions relating to chapter/unit themes using appropriate word order
  10. Write about, speak about, and interpret situations similar to those presented in each chapter/unit of the textbook
  11. Compare and contrast elements of Spanish culture that differ from the U.S. norm
General Information

Note: A grade of C- is not transferable and is not accepted by some programs at HFC.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

Assessment of academic achievement will be identified and implemented by the class instructor. Methods will include, but not be limited to:

  • Participation
  • Weekly/regular quizzes
  • Homework assignments
  • Chapter/unit tests
  • Oral/receptive-expressive exam(s)
  • Departmental writing assessment
  • Midterm/final exam
All sections of this level will use a textbook (and any accompanying materials) selected by the course coordinator and approved by the World Languages Committee.


General Education Categories
  • Humanities and Fine Arts
Institutional Outcomes
  • Humanities
MTA Categories
  • Category 5: Humanities and Fine Arts
Satisfies Wellness Requirement
Effective Term
Summer 2023