TAFP-280: Applied Electrohydraulics

Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Trade & Apprentice Education
Skilled Trade & Apprenticeship
Academic Level
Course Subject
TAE - Fluid Power
Course Number
Course Title
Applied Electrohydraulics
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
TAFP-150 or TAE Apprentice Coordinator/Instructor Permission
Catalog Course Description

Introduces basic electrohydraulic fundamentals, components, and procedures relative to troubleshooting, maintenance, and set-up of proportional and servo valves.  Presents theory and practice of electrohydraulics with an emphasis on hands-on laboratory experiences.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Introduction of safety policies/procedures and overview of electrohydraulic technology.
  2. Proportional pressure control valves.
  3. Proportional pressure control valve amplifiers.
  4. Proportional directional valves.
  5. Proportional directional valve amplifiers.
  6. Load compensation with pressure compensators.
  7. Proportional flow control valves.
  8. Proportional flow control valve amplifiers.
  9. Electronic controls for proportional valves.
  10. Introduction to servo technology.
  11. Servo valve technology.
  12. Open to closed loop control circuits.
  13. Filtration of hydraulic systems equipped with servo and proportional valves.
  14. Proportional and servo valve systems.
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  1. Demonstrate industry safety standards when working with hydraulic equipment in the lab.
  2. Disassemble, inspect, reassemble, and calibrate proportional and servo valves in accordance with manufacturers specifications and instructions.
  3. Interpret and apply valve specifications from reference literature and/or service manuals for troubleshooting, set-up, or calibration purposes.*
  4. Assemble, set-up, and calibrate an operational hydraulic system containing proportional and/or servo valves and controls using positional, velocity, or force control by working from an ISO/ANSI print.*
  5. Identify various proportional and servo valves, their controls, styles, internal components, and their function within a fluid power system.*

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

All assessment of student achievement is left to the discretion of the individual instructor.  Final grade will be a combination of quiz grades, lab assignments, and the final exam.


Texts, handouts, and/or workbooks will be determined by the TAE Department.


Effective Term
Fall 2014