Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Trade & Apprentice Education
Skilled Trade & Apprenticeship
Academic Level
Course Subject
TAE - Fluid Power
Course Number
Course Title
Applied Electrohydraulics
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
TAFP-150 or TAE Apprentice Coordinator/Instructor Permission
Catalog Course Description
Introduces basic electrohydraulic fundamentals, components, and procedures relative to troubleshooting, maintenance, and set-up of proportional and servo valves. Presents theory and practice of electrohydraulics with an emphasis on hands-on laboratory experiences.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
Core Course Topics
- Introduction of safety policies/procedures and overview of electrohydraulic technology.
- Proportional pressure control valves.
- Proportional pressure control valve amplifiers.
- Proportional directional valves.
- Proportional directional valve amplifiers.
- Load compensation with pressure compensators.
- Proportional flow control valves.
- Proportional flow control valve amplifiers.
- Electronic controls for proportional valves.
- Introduction to servo technology.
- Servo valve technology.
- Open to closed loop control circuits.
- Filtration of hydraulic systems equipped with servo and proportional valves.
- Proportional and servo valve systems.
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
- Demonstrate industry safety standards when working with hydraulic equipment in the lab.
- Disassemble, inspect, reassemble, and calibrate proportional and servo valves in accordance with manufacturers specifications and instructions.
- Interpret and apply valve specifications from reference literature and/or service manuals for troubleshooting, set-up, or calibration purposes.*
- Assemble, set-up, and calibrate an operational hydraulic system containing proportional and/or servo valves and controls using positional, velocity, or force control by working from an ISO/ANSI print.*
- Identify various proportional and servo valves, their controls, styles, internal components, and their function within a fluid power system.*
Assessment and Requirements
Assessment of Academic Achievement
All assessment of student achievement is left to the discretion of the individual instructor. Final grade will be a combination of quiz grades, lab assignments, and the final exam.
Texts, handouts, and/or workbooks will be determined by the TAE Department.
Effective Term
Fall 2014