TAGD-140: Compound Angles and Advanced Projection

Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Trade & Apprentice Education
Skilled Trade & Apprenticeship
Academic Level
Course Subject
TAE - Graphic Design
Course Number
Course Title
Compound Angles and Advanced Projection
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
TAGD-120 and TAMA-200 or TAE Apprentice Coordinator/Instructor Permission
Catalog Course Description

Focuses on the mastery of solid trigonometric principles as applied to the industrial workplace. Includes the solution of solid trigonometric problems using graphic and analytical solutions and problem solving techniques. Requires modeling clay.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Describing a double angled cut on a rectangular work piece.
  2. Solving a double angled cut on a rectangular work piece.
  3. Single rotation and single tilt.
  4. Shop applications of double angle cuts.
  5. Shop applications of double angle cuts.
  6. Describing a double angled axis for a bored hole in a rectangular work piece.
  7. Solving a double angled axis for a bored hole in a rectangular work piece.
  8. Shop applications.
  9. Shop applications.
  10. Describing the axis of 2 double angled bored holes in a work piece.
  11. Solving the axis of 2 double angled bored holes in a work piece.
  12. Single rotation with a double tilt.
  13. Shop applications.
  14. Shop applications.
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  • Utilize graphing and analytical tools to understand angles of tilt and rotation.*
  • Uuse the trigonometry functions to solve tetrahedron and pentahedron problems.
  • Solve actual shop problems using analytical (solid trigonometry) and graphical methods (multiple auxiliary views).*
  • Solve actual shop problems using given techniques.*
  • Solve problems related to special relationships.*
  • Develop the ability to work in 3-dimensions using 2-dimensional representations.
  • Assessment and Requirements

    Assessment of Academic Achievement

    All students will be required to complete a comprehensive final examination that assesses the learning of all course objectives.  This exam must be weighted in a manner so that the exam score is worth a minimum of fifteen percent of the final course grade.  This exam is to be a common exam administered to all sections of TAGD 140.

    General Course Requirements and Recommendations

    The student will be required to bring the drafting equipment used in previous  drafting courses.  Modeling clay is also required.


    Texts, handouts, and/or workbooks will be determined by the TAE Department.



    Satisfies Wellness Requirement
    Satisfies Honors Requirements
    Effective Term
    Fall 2014