TAMA-200: Industrial Applications of Trigonometric Principles

Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
Trade & Apprentice Education
Skilled Trade & Apprenticeship
Academic Level
Course Subject
TAE - Mathematics
Course Number
Course Title
Industrial Applications of Trigonometric Principles
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
TAMA-130 or TAE Apprentice Coordinator/Instructor Permission
Catalog Course Description

Focuses on trigonometric principles as applied to the industrial workplace. Covers trigonometric functions, solution of right triangles, solution of oblique triangles, and problem solving techniques.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Trigonometric functions-sine, cosine, and tangent.
  2. Trigonometric functions-secant, cosecant, and cotangent.
  3. Inverse trigonometric functions-arcsine, arc-cosine, and arctangent.
  4. Solution of right triangles.
  5. Industrial applications of right triangles.
  6. Solution of oblique triangles using the altitude method.
  7. Solution of oblique triangles using the law of sines.
  8. Solution of oblique triangles using the law of cosines.
  9. Solution of oblique triangles using the law of cotangents.
  10. Industrial applications of oblique triangles.
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  • Solve right angle trigonometry problems.*
  • Solve oblique triangle trigonometry problems.*
  • Solve industrial application problems.*
  • Identify the basic trigonometry functions.
  • Solve trigonometry problems as applied to the shop floor.*
  • Develop a basic problem setup methodology for industrial applications.
  • Explain the three basic and three reciprocal trigonometric functions.
  • Identify the trigonometric functions and inverse functions on the calculator.
  • Solve various industrial applications of right angle trigonometry.
  • Explain the sine, cosine, cotangent laws and altitude method for solution of oblique triangles.
  • Solve various industrial applications of oblique triangle trigonometry.*
  • Assessment and Requirements

    Assessment of Academic Achievement

    All students will be required to complete a comprehensive final examination that assesses the learning of all the course objectives.  This exam must be weighted in a manner so that this exam score is worth a minimum of fifteen percent of the final course grade.  This exam is to be a common exam administered to all sections of TAMA-200.

    General Course Requirements and Recommendations

    Calculator Use:  Students are encouraged to bring a calculator to all class sessions.  Any scientific calculator will be sufficient for this course.


    Texts, handouts, and/or workbooks will be determined by the TAE Department.


    Effective Term
    Fall 2014