Explores basic adhesion and cohesion fundamentals, equipment, and procedures relative to: shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), oxy-fuel brazing (TB), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), gas tungsten arc welding, and oxy-fuel cutting (OFC). Inclues oxy-fuel cutting, soldering and brazing theory and practice, AC and DC welding equipment and applications, flat and horizontal welding techniques, arc welding electrodes, gas metal arc welding principles and practices, and gas tungsten arc welding principles. All students will be required to wear clothing appropriate to a welding environment. It is also recommended that the student bring a pair of slip-joint pliers
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
- Safety, welding fundamentals, and joint design.
- Oxy-fuel gas cutting.
- Oxy-fuel gases.
- Oxy-fuel equipment.
- Soldering.
- Brazing.
- SMAW principles.
- SMAW equipment.
- SMAW electrodes.
- GMAW principles.
- GMAW equipment.
- GTAW principles.
- GTAW equipment.
- Explain the basic material joining processes (oxy/fuel cutting, oxy/fuel welding, brazing shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding) and the relative safety issues.
- Identify the criteria for a quality adhesion and cohesion joint.*
- Weld the butt, lap, and tee joints in the flat and horizontal positions using the SMAW process.
- Weld the butt, lap, and tee joints in the flat and horizontal positions using the GMAW process.
- Weld the butt, lap, and tee joints in the flat and horizontal positions using the GTAW process.
- Torch braze the butt, lap, and tee joints in the flat or horizontal position.
- Detail the process for troubleshooting a materials joining process.*
- Apply the lab experience to shop application.*
Assessment and Requirements
A list of required texts, handouts, and workbooks, determined by the TAE department, is available in the department.