Eligible to take ENG courses at HFC
Allows additional advanced study under direction in any of the classes offered by the theatre program. Student requesting directed study must have completed the sequence of courses offered in a given subject area before requesting additional directed study in that area. May be taken twice for credit, six hours maximum, and course subject must be different.
Goals, Topics, and Objectives
- To be developed by the instructor for each individual offering
To be developed by the instructor for each individual offering
Assessment and Requirements
To be developed by the instructor for each individual offering
To be determined by the instructor. Detailed course syllabi for each section of THEA 2901 must be approved by the Fine Arts and Fitness Division prior to the course being offered. A copy of the specific course syllabus will be presented to the AEC and College Council by the Associate Dean, "For Information Only," at the first meeting after the beginning of the term the course is offered.
Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Determined by department.