ENGR-101: Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)

This course is INACTIVE
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Science - DNU
Academic Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Title
Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
77.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
77.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Catalog Course Description

An introductory course in which the student studies the design engineering process and its application. Through hands-on projects, students apply engineering standards and document their work. Students use industry standard 3D modeling software to help them design solutions to solve proposed problems, document their work using an engineer’s notebook, and communicate solutions to peers and members of the professional community.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Goal Statement

This course intends to introduce students to the design engineering process and its application and help students design solutions to solve proposed problems using hands-on projects and industry-standard 3D modeling software.

Core Course Topics
  1. Design Process
  2. Technical Sketching and Drawing
  3. Measurement and Statistics
  4. Modeling Skills
  5. Geometry of Design
  6. Reverse Engineering
  7. Documentation
  8. Advanced Computer Design
  9. Design Teams
  10. Design Challenge
Core Course Learning Objectives (Separated)
  1. Design Process
    a. Identify and define the terminology used in engineering design and development.
    b. Identify the steps in an engineering design process and summarize the activities involved in each step of the process.
    c. Complete a design project utilizing all steps of a design process, and find a solution that meets specific design requirements.
  2. Technical Sketching and Drawing
    a. Identify and define technical drawing representations including isometric, orthographic projection, oblique, perspective, auxiliary, and section views.
    b. Identify the proper use of each technical drawing representation including isometric, orthographic projection, oblique, perspective, auxiliary, and section views.
    c. Identify line types (including construction lines, object lines, hidden lines, cutting plane lines, section lines, and center lines) used on a technical drawing per ANSI Line Conventions and Lettering and explain the purpose of each line.
    d. Determine the minimum number and types of views necessary to fully detail a part.
    e. Choose and justify the choice for the best orthographic projection of an object to use as a front view on technical drawings.
    f. Apply tonal shading to enhance the appearance of a pictorial sketch and create a more realistic appearance of a sketched object.
  3. Measurement and Statistics
    a. Analyze the performance of a design during testing and judge the solution as viable or non-viable with respect to meeting the design requirements.
    b. Calculate statistics related to central tendency including mean, median, and mode.
    c. Represent data with plots on the real number line (e.g., dot plots, histograms, and box plots).
    d. Use statistics to quantify information, support design decisions, and justify problem solutions.
    e. Calculate statistics related to variation of data including (sample and population) standard deviation and range.
    f. Distinguish between sample statistics and population statistics and know appropriate applications of each.
    g. Use the Empirical Rule to interpret data and identify ranges of data that include 68 percent of the data, 95 percent of the data and 99.7 percent of the data.
  4. Modeling Skills
    a. Create three-dimensional solid models of parts within CAD from sketches or dimensioned drawings using appropriate geometric and dimensional constraints.
    b. Compare the efficiency of the modeling method of an object using different combinations of additive and subtractive methods.
    c. Generate CAD multi-view technical drawings, including orthographic projections, sections view(s), detail view(s), auxiliary view(s) and pictorial views, as necessary, showing appropriate scale, appropriate view selection, and correct view orientation to fully describe a part according to standard engineering practice.
    d. Dimension and annotate (including specific and general notes) working drawings according to accepted engineering practice. Include dimensioning according to a set of dimensioning rules, proper hole and thread notes, proper tolerance annotation, and the inclusion of other notes necessary to fully describe a part according to standard engineering practice.
    e. Explain each assembly constraint (including mate, flush, insert, and tangent), its role in an assembly model, and the degrees of freedom that it removes from the movement between parts.
  5. Geometry of Design
    a. Identify types of polygons including a square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon.
    b. Identify and differentiate geometric constructions and constraints such as horizontal lines, vertical lines, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, colinear points, tangent lines, tangent circles, and concentric circles.
    c. Identify types of angles including an acute angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, and right angle.
  6. Reverse Engineering
    a. Describe the process of reverse engineering.
    b. Justify the use of reverse engineering and explain the various reasons to employ reverse engineering, including discovery, documentation, investigation, and product improvement.
    c. Perform a functional analysis of a product in order to determine the purpose, inputs and outputs, and the operation of a product or system.
    d. Perform a structural analysis of a product in order to determine the materials used and the form of component parts as well as the configuration and interaction of component parts when assembled (if applicable).
    e. Analyze information gathered during reverse engineering to identify shortcoming of the design and/or opportunities for improvement or innovation.
  7. Documentation
    a. Determine the minimum number and types of views necessary to fully detail a part.
    b. Choose and justify the choice for the best orthographic projection of an object to use as a front view on technical drawings.
    c. Create a set of working drawings to detail a design project.
    d. Create specific notes on a technical drawing to convey important information about a specific feature of a detailed object, and create general notes to convey details that pertains to information presented on the entire drawing (such as units, scale, patent details, etc.
  8. Advanced Computer Design
    a. Create assemblies of parts in CAD and use appropriate assembly constraints to create an assembly that allows correct realistic movement among parts. Manipulate the assembly model to demonstrate the movement.
    b. Create a CAD assembly drawing.
    c. Identify each CAD drawing component with identification numbers and create a parts list to detail each component using CAD.
    d. Create an exploded view of a given assembly. Identify each component of the assembly with identification numbers, and create a parts list to detail each component using CAD.
  9. Design Teams
    a. Create architectural details with clear and legible handwritten notes.
    b. Identify appropriate technology to support remote collaboration among virtual design team members (such as asynchronous communications, audio and video conferencing, instant messaging, synchronous file editing, and file transfer).
    c. Participate on a virtual team using remote collaboration tools to support team collaboration and problem solving.
  10. Design Challenge
    a. Complete a design project utilizing all steps of a design process, and find a solution that meets specific design requirements.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement
  1. Unit Tests
  2. Construction Projects
  3. Group Assignments
  4. Active class participation and discussion
  5. Final Exam


General Education Categories
  • Natural Sciences
Institutional Outcomes
  • Scientific Reasoning
MTA Categories
  • Category 6: Natural Sciences (Lecture Only)
Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Other Details

Students having completed the IED course at another institution, and having passed the final exam with a 70% or higher grade, will be granted credit for prior learning.

Approval Dates

Effective Term
Winter 2024
Deactivation Date
ILT Approval Date
AALC Approval Date
Curriculum Committee Approval Date