HPE-145: Advanced First Aid/CPR/AED Training

Health and Human Services
Fitness & Wellness
Fitness Leadership
Academic Level
Course Subject
Health & Physical Education
Course Number
Course Title
Advanced First Aid/CPR/AED Training
Credit Hours
Instructor Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Student Contact Hours Per Semester
47.00 (for 15-week classes)
Grading Method
Catalog Course Description

Provides the participant with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and act in an emergency situation to sustain life until more advanced medical help arrives. This course includes certification in CPR/AED and Advanced First Aid. NOTE: Certificates are only issued to students who meet the required criteria.

Goals, Topics, and Objectives

Core Course Topics
  1. Introduction

    Identify disease transmission and describe body substance isolation techniques to prevent disease transmission.

  2. Human Body Systems

    Explain the effect on the body if one or more body systems fail to function.

  3. Medical and Behavioral Emergencies

    Describe signs, symptoms, and potential care for behavioral emergencies.
    Identify the signs and symptoms of medical and behavioral emergencies, including altered mental status, seizures, poisoning, diabetic emergencies, heat and cold emergencies, burns, bites, stings and stroke.
    Describe both general and specific care for medical and behavioral emergencies.

  4. Breathing Emergencies

    Recognize breathing emergencies, such as airway obstruction.
    Demonstrate proper care for breathing emergencies.
    Identify the use of common breathing devises.

  5. Cardiac Emergencies

    Recognize the signs and symptoms of a possible cardiac emergency.
    Describe proper care for persistent chest pain and/or other signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest.
    Describe how to control major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

  6. CPR/AED

    Demonstrate proper cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for the adult, child and infant. Demonstrate the use of an AED in each emergency situation. Demonstrate relief of foreign body obstruction in the adult, child and infant.

  7. Muscle and Bone Injuries

    Recognize the signs and symptoms of various soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries.
    Demonstrate skills in splinting and bandaging.

  8. Bleeding and Shock

    Recognize life-threatening bleeding.
    Demonstrate how to control bleeding.
    Recognize the signs and symptoms of shock (hypoperfusion).
    Describe how to minimize the effects of shock.

  9. Pregnancy and Childbirth

    Describe the stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

  10. Substance Misuse and Abuse

    Describe signs and symptoms of substance misuse and abuse.

Assessment and Requirements

Assessment of Academic Achievement

Students will be assessed using quizzes, exams , assignments, in class activities, skill demonstration testing.
Students must complete the assessments for certification as determined by the National Safety Council for certification in CPR/AED and Advanced First Aid.


Textbook(s) determined through the School of Health and Human Services approval.


Satisfies Wellness Requirement

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Current National Safety Council (NCS) CPR/AED certification and NCS Advanced First Aid certification

Approval Dates

Effective Term
Fall 2020
ILT Approval Date
AALC Approval Date
Curriculum Committee Approval Date
Review Semester
Fall 2020