HPEA-117: Strength Training and Physical Conditioning I

Catalog Info

Title when registering
Strength Train & Phys Cond I
Credit Hours
Contact Hours Per Week
2 (for 15-week classes)
Course Description

Introduces beginning and intermediate training techniques in strength and cardiovascular conditioning including evaluation of all components of physical fitness. Emphasizes flexibility, strength, cardiovascular conditioning, muscular endurance, and body composition. Course also includes information on nutrition and exercise as it relates to weight management and disease prevention, and discusses common risk factors.

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Other Details

Determined by department.

Office Contact
School of Health and Human Services: 313-845-9877, hhsinfo@hfcc.edu, Health Careers Education Ctr, Room: G-132
Requirements are subject to change. The information represented here is effective starting Fall 2019 and applies to the current catalog year. If you were admitted prior to this year, please check your requirements under the My Progress section of HFC Self Service.