Catalog Info
The second in a two-course sequence designed to help candidates acquire skills, knowledge and documentation for the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. The CDA is a national performance-based credential awarded to teachers, caregivers, home visitors and, administrators, who work with children from birth to age five. This course will cover the following CDA topics: To Advance Physical and Intellectual Competence; Program Management; and to Maintain a Commitment to Professionalism. Students in this course, will finalize their 13 Professional Portfolio resources and 6 competency statements required by the CDA Council. The CDA credentialing process will also be discussed to prepare students for the final steps in the application process. This course can be used to satisfy part of the 120 clock hours of instruction required by the CDA Council.
The following NAEYC Associate Degree Standards are met by this course at the understanding or application level:
1. Promoting Child Development and Learning:
- 1a: Knowing and understanding young children's characteristics and needs.
2. Building Family and Community Relationships:
- 2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse families and communities.
- 2b: Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships.
4. Using Effective Approaches to Connect with Children and Families:
- 4a: Knowing, understanding, and using positive relationships.
- 4b: Knowing, understanding, and using effective approaches, strategies, and tools for early education.
5. Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum:
- 5a: Understanding content knowledge and resources in academic disciplines.
6. Becoming a Professional:
- 6a: Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field.
- 6b: Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other early childhood professional guidelines.
- 6c: Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice; using technology effectively with young children, with peers, and as a professional resource.