Catalog Info
Continues to explore how to utilize critical thinking skills in a systematic, problem solving process, as a framework for providing safe and effective care to restore and promote health in adult clients. Focuses on nursing care related to concepts of healthy adult clients as well as adult clients with common, acute, or chronic illness exemplars, and explains how to research best practices and integrate theory in the care of adult clients and families in a variety of clinical settings. Four hours of theory and six hours of clinical/lab per week.
Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Fundamental HESI exam with score 850 or higher. Maximum number of attempts: two. Students must also perform a demonstration.
Level 1 and Level 2 Skills demonstration, given in department by department faculty. Faculty will assess demonstration and determine satisfactory completion based on evaluation rubric. Evaluation rubric and student checklist located in Division Office. Maximum number of attempts on each skilled demonstration: two. Students must also take an exam.