BSC-130: Technical Foundations of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (2018-2019)

Catalog Info

Effective Term
Summer 2018
WebAdvisor Title
Tech Foundation Logistics&SCM
Credit Hours
Contact Hours Per Week
3 (for 15-week classes)
Course Description

Introduces students to the information necessary to be competent in the activities common across all facilities within the supply chain including safety, quality control, communications, teamwork, good workplace conduct, familiarity with the key computer systems that underpin supply chain operations, product receiving, product storage, order processing, packing and shipment, inventory control, safe handling of hazardous materials, evaluation of transportation modes, customs, and dispatch and tracking operations. Prepares students to successfully pass the Certified Logistics Associate assessment and the Certified Logistics Technician assessment that would allow Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) and a Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) recognition by the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC). MSSC is a 501(c)3 non-profit, national, industry-led, training, assessment and certification organization.

Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Certified Logistics Associate and Certified Logistics Technician
Licensure/Certification Details

Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) by the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) must be current. Department faculty will verify certifications. Verified CLA and CLT certifications, and the CLA and CLT CPCLL application, will be copied, signed, dated, and retained in the School Office.