AUTO-150: Automotive Diagnosis and Engine Evaluation (2020-2021)

Catalog Info

Title when registering
Automotive Diag & Engine Eval
Credit Hours
Contact Hours Per Week
4 (for 15-week classes)
Course Description

An advanced-level course in the application of diagnosing, locating, and correcting trouble encountered in automotive service, using various types of testing equipment. Engine diagnosis includes variable cam timing and variable displacement engine systems. Compression analysis including cylinder compression testing and cylinder leak down testing. Fuel system diagnosis includes pressure and injector tests using active commands and relative flow analysis. Cooling system evaluation and testing, including identification of cooling system components. Coursework also explores various common problems that occur in the servicing of the modern automobile. Ignition system diagnostics that includes the use of secondary ignition scope and electronic system testing.

AUTO-105, AUTO-110, AUTO-120, or Instructor Permission
Requirements are subject to change. The information represented here is effective starting Fall 2020 and applies to the current catalog year. If you were admitted prior to this year, please check your requirements under the My Progress section of HFC Self Service.