CIS-271: Advanced Java (2020-2021)

Catalog Info

Title when registering
Advanced Java
Credit Hours
Contact Hours Per Week
4 (for 15-week classes)
Course Description

An advanced-level course which examines advanced Java features including advanced graphical user interfaces (GUI), data structures, file I/O, database connectivity, multithreading, generics, recursion, efficiency of algorithms, Java Server Pages (JSP), and Java Frameworks.


Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

Options for Credit for Prior College-Level Learning
Portfolio Review
Portfolio Review Details

Student will present CIS Department with a portfolio of Java development work related to the course learning outcomes. The portfolio will be evaluated using a rubric.

Oracle Certified Professional or Oracle Certified Expert in Java Development (Developer)
Licensure/Certification Details

Student posses a recent (among the two most recent editions) Oracle Certified Professional or Oracle Certified Expert in Java Development (Developer). Credential will be reviewed by CIS Department.

Requirements are subject to change. The information represented here is effective starting Fall 2020 and applies to the current catalog year. If you were admitted prior to this year, please check your requirements under the My Progress section of HFC Self Service.