PLMB-118: Plumbing, Pipefitting Materials Joining (2020-2021)

Catalog Info

Title when registering
Plumbing, Pipefitting Material
Credit Hours
Contact Hours Per Week
3 (for 15-week classes)
Course Description

Introduces plumbing and pipe-fitting materials joining. Topics included are mechanical joints/pipe-cutting, brazing with turbo torches and oxyacetylene, soldering with LP and MAPP gases, plastic PVC pipe-joining, flared fittings, plastic fusion welding, and dielectric fittings. Students are required to study the theory behind these methods and perform hands-on labs.

Requirements are subject to change. The information represented here is effective starting Fall 2016 and applies to the current catalog year. If you were admitted prior to this year, please check your requirements under the My Progress section of HFC Self Service.